My favorite YouTuber DanTDM & Stampy Long Nose

First I will tell you about Stampy Long Nose. He’s a You-tuber that plays Minecraft & Plants vs Zombie Garden Warfare. He also plays Mario Cart. If you don’t know what YouTubers are, they basically are people who make videos. A lot of people watch them and like their videos. They are famous for video tapping. Lots of people go and make stuff for them. They send the stuff they make to them. Stampy has a clubhouse  with all his 12 dogs and one cat and L for Lee. (which is a name). DanTDM has a lab with his pet grim who is made out of bones and Dan’s friend Dr. Trayaurus. They do videos like Mario Cart 8 and Garden Warfare & Minecraft. That’s pretty much it! You can look at some images in minecraft.


DanTDM with a dimond minecart.



Stampy with his pet dog named Barnaby.

8 thoughts on “My favorite YouTuber DanTDM & Stampy Long Nose

  1. Hi Lily,
    my name is Maya Online, I`ve never heard of those you-tubers but I`m sure they make really good videos. My brothers are always playing mine craft and plants vs. zombies on our Xbox in the basement. my sister plays with them too sometimes. My brothers are always on the computer listening to two you-tubers that make videos for mine craft and apparently they`re really good. these are their names= Pat and Jen, they do you-tube videos together.
    come check out my blog at:

  2. Dear Lily,
    You did a good job explaining about your favorite Youtubers. It sounds like you have experience playing the games they enjoy. Do you like the idea that there is a clubhouse for Stampy’s 12 dogs?

    Mrs. Fordyce

  3. Dear Lily,

    I like the diamond mine cart too. i used to like him but I out grew him. What is your favorite mod?


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